WGI Golf Ball Logo Women's Golf Illawarra The regions association: Women's Golf Illawarra Incorporated INC9890486 ABOUT US CLUB & WGI EVENTS WGI Golf Ball Logo WOMEN'S GOLF ILLAWARRA The regions association: Women's Golf Illawarra Incorporated INC9890486 ABOUT US CLUB & WGI EVENTS WGI Golf Ball Logo Women's Golf Illawarra The regions association: Women's Golf Illawarra Incorporated INC9890486 ABOUT US CLUB & WGI EVENTS

VWGA 2025 at The Grange

The Grange Golf Course Princess Highway, 10 Kembla Grange

The Veteran Women's Golf Association of NSW event at The Grange Golf Club on Monday 12th May is a 2 Ball Best Ball Stableford. Entry cost is $45 pp which includes lunch. Entries close on Tuesday 29th April.
